Printer Controls

Sets the printer control method during printing.

ItemDescriptionRefer to
GeneralSets the sheet cut-off after output and page space.
Cut Sheet after OutputCuts the sheet after output.

Default value: Off

Cut Sheet after Output
Use Custom SettingsChanges Page Space.

Default value: Off

Setting the Space to the Next Printing Start Location
Page SpaceSets the space to the next printing start location.
Feed Calibration ControlsConfigures the settings in order to alleviate the horizontal bands that occur during printing.

Default value: Use Printer Settings

Determining How to Alleviate Horizontal Bands
Use Default Media SettingsPrinting is performed with the recommended values for the media selected with Media Type under Quality Settings.
Use Custom SettingsPrinting is performed with the values set in this window.
Use Printer SettingsPrinting is performed with the settings configured on the printer.
Feed CalibrationIf you select Use Custom Settings, enter the Feed Calibration.
Rotary Controls The optional rotary axis unit is used to print on a cylindrical object (media) while it is rotated. Click Automatic Calculation to calculate the number of nozzles (the feed length) to use. Printing Using the Rotary Axis Unit
Nozzle Amount to Use in Printing
Automatic Calculation
Other ControlsSpecifies the control method for Vacuum Power, Dry Time, and Head Height.
Use Default Media SettingsPrinting is performed with the recommended values for the media selected with Media Type under Quality Settings.
Use Custom SettingsPrinting is performed using the Vacuum Power, Dry Time, and Head Height which are set in this window.
Use Printer SettingsPrinting is performed with the settings configured on the printer.
Vacuum PowerSets the intensity of the vacuum that holds the media flat on the platen. This can be set when [Use Custom Settings] is selected.Using Media That Wrinkles Easily/Does Not Move Smoothly
Dry TimeSets the time (in minutes) to wait before printing the next page or cutting. This can be set when [Use Custom Settings] is selected.Setting the Drying Time after Printing
Head HeightSets the height of the print head. This can be set when [Use Custom Settings] is selected. Normally do not change this setting.Adjusting Print Head Height to Match Media Thickness
Heater ControlsSpecifies the Heater Controls setting method.

Default value: Use Printer Settings

Setting the Heater/Dryer Temperature
Use Default Media SettingsPrinting is performed using the settings for each media that were configured with VersaWorks.
Use Custom SettingsSets the temperature for Pre Heater, Print Heater, and Dryer.
Pre Heater
Print Heater
Use Printer SettingsPrinting is performed with the settings configured on the printer.
UV Lamp ControlSpecifies the UV lamp control method.
Operation ModeSpecifies the target for irradiation by the UV lamp.
PrintThis is the default setting. Printing and UV irradiation are performed.
UV Illumination OnlyYou can configure the settings so that only the UV illumination matching that performed during printing is performed again after printing.Performing Only UV Lamp Illumination
Scan SpeedThis can be set when UV Illumination Only is selected.
Change UV Lamp Illumination IntensityAdjusts the illumination intensity of the printer's UV lamp.Reducing the UV Lamp Illumination Intensity
Illumination Intensity
Print Size CorrectionYou can correct a shifted printing result by adjusting the horizontal and vertical sizes of the printing data. If you enter the measured sizes (the actual print size) and the expected sizes (the size to be printed), the correction factors can be automatically calculated and easily set. You can also enter the correction factors directly.Correcting the Dimensions in the Printing Results
HorizontalEnter the correction factors directly.
Correction CalculatorClick this button to display the Correction Calculator window.
Correction in X-DirectionSets the correction factor for the horizontal direction. Can be set within a range of -5.00% to +5.00%.
Expected SizeEnter the size to be printed.
Measured SizeEnter the measured size of the printing result.
Correction FactorThis is automatically calculated on the basis of the entered values.
Correction in Y-DirectionSets the correction factor for the vertical direction. Can be set within a range of -5.00% to +5.00%.
Expected SizeEnter the size to be printed.
Measured SizeEnter the measured size of the printing result.
Correction FactorThis is automatically calculated on the basis of the entered values.