Increasing or Limiting Permitted Actions (Changing Account Privileges)

The functions which can be operated can be increased or limited according to factors such as the level of experience, ability, degree of trust, and position.

The simplest way of changing privileges is to change the account Role. When a Role is selected, all privileges which were preset for that Role are set.

Instead of changing all privileges with Role, it is also possible to set privileges for each individual item.

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click icon_edit.png for the user who you want to change the settings for.
    The Edit User display appears.
  4. Change the account settings.
    • To change the Role, set Role again.
    • To change the access rights for each item, switch the Set the accessibility items on or off.
  5. Check that there are no mistakes in the account settings and click Update.