Step 1: Determine the Shape and Size of Material

Before starting imprinting, set in METAZAStudio the shape and size of the material to use. METAZAStudio has a number of different preregistered material shapes.

This section explains the settings when using the following material.

Material to use
A material with the same shape as the preregistered tag
  1. Click icon_METAZAStudio_Material.
    The Material window appears.
  2. Select the shape and size of the material.
    1. Select the shape of the material to be imprinted.
      In this example, select tag.
    2. Click icon_METAZAStudio_Material_approve.
      The Material Size window appears.
    3. Enter the values for the size of the material and click OK.
      The material you selected appears in the Edit window. The portion displayed as the material becomes the imprint area without change.
  3. Click File - Preferences.
    The Preferences window appears.
  4. Set the margins.
    IMPORTANT To imprint a flat material, make the margin at least 1 mm (0.04 in.). Otherwise the marking pin may strike and damage the edge of the material.
  5. Click OK.