Register New Material

How to Register Wide Variety of Material

METAZAStudio has a number of different preregistered materials. To imprint material having a shape not registered in METAZAStudio, first register it as a new material. This prevents the imprint area from being limited and the marking pin from being damaged as the result of hitting the edge of the material.

The following three methods are available for registering material. For detailed information about the procedures, refer to the online help for METAZAStudio.

Importing a Bitmap Image

If an image of the material is available, you can import the image so long as it meets the following conditions. Note, however, that only bitmap data can be used.

  • File format: BMP or JPEG
  • Colors: Binary (black and white—portions corresponding to the material must be black-filled)

Scanning the Material with a Commercially Available Scanner

When no image of the material is available, or if the shape of the material is complex, you can scan the material on a commercially available scanner and import the image produced. Use a scanner that meets the following condition.

  • Colors: Binary (black and white—portions corresponding to the material must be black-filled)

Drawing the Shape of the Material

If the material is a square, circle, or other such simple shape, you can use the drawing tools either singly or in combination to draw the shape of the material and then register it.