Step 3: Perform Test Cutting

Adjust the cutting conditions according to the types of material and the cleanness of the cut. To obtain high-quality cutting results, carry out a cutting test to check the cutting quality for the material before you perform the actual cutting.

  1. Check that the PEN FORCE slider is at the center position (at "0" on the scale).
  2. Press [▲][▼][◀][▶] to move the cutting carriage.
    Move the cutting carriage so that the blade tip points the start position of the cutting.

    To move the material or the cutting carriage fast, press [ENTER] together with one of [▲][▼][◀][▶] while one of the following screens is shown.


  3. Hold down [TEST] for one second or longer.

    Cutting of the test pattern will start at the blade position where[TEST] is pressed.

  4. Once the cutting is completed, press [▼] to feed the material forward.
  5. Peel off the cut shape using a pair of tweezers, etc. to verify the cutting quality.
    The following conditions are signs of good quality.
    • When the circle part is peeled, only the circle part comes off
    • When the square part is peeled, a faint blade trace is left on the carrier paper
    If any of the following conditions is present, set the blade force or the cutting speed. After the setting, perform a cutting test again. Repeat this process until good quality is obtained.
    Check item Result Setting item Adjustment
    Check the shape. The cut shape is distorted. Cutting Speed Reduce
    Peel off the circle. Other shapes come off together Cutting force Increase
    Carrier paper is also cut Reduce
    Some uncut areas remain. Cutting Speed Reduce
    Peel off the square. Blade trace cannot be seen Cutting force Increase
    Blade trace is too deep Reduce

    When using hard material or thin carrier paper, changing the blade force may not lead to good quality. Adjust the amount of blade tip extension, and accurately adjust the cutting-in amount.


Use the following link to view a reference video for this procedure.

Cutting Test