101D-00**The % milling bur cannot be released.

% indicates a milling bur stocker number from 1 to 16 or 0.

Situation/Error Cause 1
The returning of the milling bur failed. The inside of the collet or the ATC magazine might be dirty.
  1. Hold down the touch sensor on the built-in panel.
    This will clear the error.
  2. Carry out Forced tool release in VPanel.
    The collet will open.
  3. Remove the milling bur.
  4. Clean the ATC magazine.
Situation/Error Cause 2

The collet and milling bur are affixed together and cannot be separated. The inside of the collet might be dirty.

Retighten the collet.
Situation/Error Cause 3

The milling bur may not have been removed from the spindle unit after Forced tool release was executed.

Be sure to remove the milling bur before cleaning the ATC magazine.

If the Error Occurs Again

The collet may be deformed. In this case, replace the collet.Replacing Consumable Parts