Setting the Print Origin

  1. Select Origin Relative.
    Set the point that will serve as the base printing position. This section describes the procedure used when using Origin Relative.
    • Origin Relative: Sets the lower-right corner of the printing area as the base printing position.
    • Center Relative: Sets the center of the printing area as the base printing position.
    Origin _Reference
  2. Click Change next to Print Origin and Printing Area.
  3. Set the print origin.
    1. Select Pointer.
    2. Use Up Down Left Right to set the print origin position.
      The print origin is set to the position the print-head carriage pointer is pointing to.
      MEMO Use Up Down to move the flat table, and then use Left Right to move the print-head carriage.
    You can also set the print origin using Numeric Input.
    1. Select Numeric Input.
    2. Enter any value into the S and F fields to set the print origin position.
      MEMO S refers to the scan (left-right) direction, while F refers to the feed (forward-back) direction.
      MEMO You do not need to set the printing area for the nozzle drop-out test.

      The upper-left corner of this area is automatically set to the maximum position.

  4. Click OK.
    This completes the settings for print origin and printing area. Next, we will perform a nozzle drop-out test.