
Media ExplorerManages information about the media used for printing in the [Media Explorer] window.
Print Roland System Color LibraryPrints the color system library. Color samples of other metallic inks: Metallic Color System Library, orange ink color samples: Orange Color System Library, green ink color samples: Green Color System Library, red ink color samples: Red Color System Library.
Color Chart Type-1

Prints the Color Chart. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.

The Color Chart is a chart that categorizes the colors in the library by saturation, and arranges them to vary in hue in the horizontal direction and in brightness in the vertical direction. To print this color chart in its original size, you need A1-size or larger media. Select Type-1 or Type-2.

Color Chart Type-2
Color Selector

Prints Color Selector. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.

The Color Selector is the ink combination chart. The chart shows the ink combination used for printing each spot color. Although each page is printed in A4 size, you can cut the pieces along the trimming marks and bind them in numeric order (outline numbers) to create a color sample book that can be used to compare the colors.

Color ChipsPrints 12 color chips per color for 5 colors in A4 size. The colors are categorized by color tone. Click Color Chips and click the tone name to print the color chips for the selected tone. With printers that are equipped with a cutting function, cutting is performed for each color to create a seal color sample book.
Pure Color 1Prints Pure Color 1. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.
Pure Color 2Prints Pure Color 2. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.
StrongPrints Strong. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.
DeepPrints Deep. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.
DarkPrints Dark. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.
Dark GrayishPrints Dark Grayish. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.
BlackPrints Black. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.
Print Roland Texture System LibraryGloss ink texture samples: Prints the Texture System Library. Texture samples of other metallic inks: Metallic Texture System Library.
ChartPrints Chart. The queue folder where this job is saved can be specified in the location where the job is added.