Creating White Gradation


This topic applies to printer models equipped with white ink. Note that models not equipped with white ink are not relevant to this topic.

This section shows how to create white gradations with regularly varying color density. Such gradations are used to express such things as perspective, depth, and three-dimensionality in a design.

  1. Create the shape you want to print in white with characters, lines, or figures.

    You can hold down tb_main_text_horizontall, tb_main_bezier, or tb_main_rectangle to select another tool.

  2. Click tb_main_select.

    Interface items appear on characters, lines, and shapes.

  3. Select Gradient fill on the PaintTool tab in Fill/Stroke Editor.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Select gradation4 Single spot color.
  6. Select RDG_WHITE for the Node Color.

    You can also set the density with the edit bar.

  7. Click OK.