Printed results are coarse or contain horizontal stripes

Have you carried outCalibrate Sheet Feeding ?

Large misalignment in the amount of feed of the media may result in printing that seems coarse or contains horizontal stripes. We recommend performing Calibrate Sheet Feeding before daily operations and when changing the media type.

Have you carried out Bidirectional adjustment ?

We recommend performing Bidirectional adjustment before daily operations and when changing the media type. The optimal adjustment value may vary, depending mainly on the thickness of the media.

Is the temperature of the room too low?

The heater may not warm up sufficiently when the ambient temperature is less than 20°C (68°F). Also, even when the heater warms up, an adequate effect may not be obtained if the media is thoroughly chilled. Before printing, allow the media to come to room temperature.

Is the printer installed in a level and stable location?

Never install the machine in a location where it is tilted or where it may wobble or experience vibration. Also make sure that the print heads are not exposed to moving air.

Is the printer installed in a location out of direct sunlight?

Never install in a location exposed to direct sunlight.

Is the media loaded and set up correctly?

If the media is not loaded and set up correctly, printing may be adversely affected. Make sure the media is loaded and set up correctly.