Periodical Cleaning Maintenance

About Periodical Cleaning Menus

There are four levels of cleaning for this machine. Perform the appropriate level of cleaning in accordance with the ink type, the cleaning period, and the machine condition.

When using ECO-SOL MAX/ECO-SOL MAX 2 ink

Normal cleaning Carry out a printing test. If nozzle drop-out occurs, perform cleaning. Step 3: Printing Tests and Normal Cleaning
Medium cleaning If nozzle drop-outs are not fixed by performing medium cleaning, perform powerful cleaning. This consumes more ink than normal cleaning, and too-frequent use may damage the print heads themselves. Avoid using it more than necessary.Medium and Powerful Cleaning
Powerful cleaning
Manual cleaning We recommend that you perform this cleaning periodically. Replacing the wiper and felt wiper is also an effective means of improving the symptoms.Manual Cleaning

When using ECO-SOL MAX 3 ink

Normal cleaning Carry out a printing test. If nozzle drop-out occurs, perform cleaning. Step 3: Printing Tests and Normal Cleaning
Manual cleaning Clean the printer manually. is displayed approximately once per week, but it may be displayed more frequently depending on the usage conditions. When this message is displayed, be sure to perform manual cleaning. Manual Cleaning
Medium cleaning If nozzle drop-outs are not fixed by performing medium cleaning, perform powerful cleaning. This consumes more ink than normal cleaning, and too-frequent use may damage the print heads themselves. Avoid using it more than necessary. Medium and Powerful Cleaning
Powerful cleaning
Manual cleaning Replacing the wiper and felt wiper is also an effective means of improving the symptoms. Replacing the WiperReplacing the Felt Wiper

Medium and Powerful Cleaning

If dot drop-out is still found after Normal Cleaning, carry out the more powerful Medium Cleaning 2 or 3 times. If the condition is still not improved, carry out the even stronger Powerful Cleaning
MEMO: Each level of cleaning consumes more ink than the previous level. If these levels of cleaning are performed too often, the print heads are likely to wear out; do not over clean at any level.
  1. Open the Utility window.
  2. In the Adjustment tab, select Medium Cleaning and click Go.
  3. Click Check Nozzle Condition
  4. Click Test Print
    The test pattern is printed. Follow the on-screen instructions to check for nozzle clogging.
    • Nozzle is clogged -> Proceed to Procedure 5
    • Nozzle is not clogged -> Click Close to finish
  5. Select Medium Cleaning and click Go.
    Medium cleaning starts.
  6. To check for nozzle clogging again.
    If the nozzle condition is not fixed by Medium Cleaning, perform Powerful Cleaning.
    MEMO: If after several times of Powerful Cleaning, nozzle clogging is still found, perform Manual Cleaning.