Menu List

Tap AP-640_Panel_Icon_MENU to display the list of operations.

MEMO Media Settings only appears when media is loaded.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Details
Media Settings*1 List of Media Settings Lists the settings of the media that has been set up. Tap a setting to move to a screen for changing this setting.
Printing Settings Print Head Height Checks/changes the head height.
Batch Automatic Correction Adjustments are performed in the following order: Multi Sensor Adjustment, Media Gap Adjustment, then Feed Correction.
Feed Correction Simple Correction (Auto) Adjusts the media feed amount during printing. With Simple Correction (Auto), a test pattern is printed and then read with a sensor to automatically set the correction value.
Detailed Correction (Manual) Adjusts the media feed amount during printing. With Detailed Correction (Manual), a test pattern is printed, and then the correction value is entered manually after the printed correction value is checked visually.
Media Gap Adjustment Simple Correction (Auto) Corrects the ink landing position. With Simple Correction (Auto), a test pattern is printed and then read with a sensor to automatically set the correction value.
Detailed Correction (Manual) Corrects the ink landing position. With Detailed Correction (Manual), a test pattern is printed, and then the correction value is entered manually after the printed correction value is checked visually.
Cutting Settings Blade Adjustment Sets cutting conditions such as Blade Force and Cutting Speed.
Print & Cut Position Adjustment Corrects misalignment in the printing position and the cutting position during printing and cutting.
Crop Cut Position Adjustment Corrects misalignment in the crop mark positions and the cutting position when cutting with crop marks.
Cutting Distance Correction Corrects misalignment in the cutting line length due to changes in the media movement distance.
Over Cut Cutting the corners of the border of the cutting line slightly longer makes it possible to cut the corners attractively.
Media Settings*1 Heater Settings Heater Temperature Heater Power Switches the print heater and dryer on/off as a batch. Switch these off in situations such as cutting that does not require the media heating system.
Print Heater Switches the print heater on/off and changes the set temperature.
Dryer Switches the dryer on/off and changes the set temperature.
Dry After Printing Switches on/off the function that moves the media to and dries the media with the dryer after printing and sets the drying time.
Other Media Settings Multi Sensor Adjustment Optimizes the status of the multi sensor used when reading crop marks and with the automatic correction function.
Drying Time Per Scan Sets the drying time per scan operation of the carriage.
Media Suction Force Adjusts the media suction force of the platen.
Printing Movement Range Select the carriage movement range during printing from Output Data Width, Media Width, and Full Width.
Media Sticking Prevention When set to Enable, the media is peeled off before printing.
Middle Pinch Auto Raise/Lower Causes the middle pinch rollers to go up automatically during pullback printing or printing and cutting.
Batch Media Settings The minimum settings required for media setup can be configured by following the on-screen instructions on the operation panel.
Media Management Displays a list of registered media. Up to 50 media names can be saved, and the following operations on media settings are possible.
  • Checking setting details in a list
  • Changing media names
  • Copying media settings
  • Deleting media settings
Cleaning Printing Test Before printing, use Nozzle Drop-out Test to check whether ink is discharged from the print heads correctly. If nozzle drop-out is present, perform cleaning appropriate for the severity of the drop-out. If faulty ink discharge cannot be improved, the problematic nozzle can be identified with Nozzle Mask Test, making it possible to stop using this nozzle.
Normal Cleaning

If dot drop-out or dot displacement occurs, select the nozzle from Group A, Group B, and Both, and then perform cleaning of the print heads. If the problem cannot be fixed, perform more powerful cleaning.

If the media has already been set up, the After cleaning, perform a printing test. menu appears. When this is turned on, a printing test is performed after cleaning.

Medium Cleaning
Powerful Cleaning
Manual Cleaning Use cleaning liquid and a cleaning stick to clean the area around the print heads.
Maintenance Wiper Replacement Replaces the wiper and tray pad.
Blade Replacement Replaces the blade used in cutting.
Separating Knife Replacement Replaces the separating knife used in media separation.
Ink Renewal Perform this operation when ink discharge issues or uneven colors are not resolved even after Normal Cleaning, Medium Cleaning, Powerful Cleaning, and Manual Cleaning. However, this operation consumes a large amount of ink and may damage the print heads, so do not perform it more than necessary.
Ink Renewal Inside Damper*2 Use this operation to stabilize output when uneven color issues with white ink are not resolved even after performing Ink Circulation or mixing the ink by shaking the pouch tray. However, this operation consumes a large amount of ink and may damage the print heads, so do not perform it more than necessary.
Ink Circulation*2

Circulates ink to prevent uneven color issues with white ink.

If the media has already been set up, the After cleaning, perform a printing test. menu appears. When this is turned on, a printing test is performed after Ink Circulation.

Wiper Tray Cleaning Use this operation to clean the wiper tray.
Wiper Tray Discharging Use this operation to discharge the cleaning liquid from the wiper tray.
Drain Bottle A message appears when discharged fluid has collected in the drain bottle. Use this menu item to discard this fluid.
Preferences Media Edge Detection Sets whether to detect the leading and trailing edges of the media. When using transparent media, whose edges cannot be detected, the media can be set up without detecting the edges by selecting Disable.
Print Light Select On, Off, or Auto for the print light. Select Auto to automatically turn the light on/off according to the status of the printer.
Take-up Sets the Take-up Method and Take-up Direction for the take-up unit.
Remaining Media Management Sets the amount of remaining media that has been set up and displays this amount. This amount can also be printed on the media.
Extended Dryer These settings are required when using an auxiliary drying unit. Set them individually to Enable and Disable.
Blower Fan
Skewing Correction Support at Setup Provides support, preventing skewed installation of the media by making a sound and operating an automatic suction fan during setup.
Printing Test Position Sets the direction for test pattern printing: Feed or Scan.
Perforated Sheet Cutting Sets the perforated sheet cutting conditions.
Cleaning during Printing Selects the frequency of cleaning during printing from No Cleaning, Every Page, Periodically (Job Priority), and Periodically (Time Priority). After selecting Periodically (Job Priority) or Periodically (Time Priority), set the time from the previous cleaning to the next cleaning.
Standby Heater Temperature Sets the heater temperature when media has not been set up.
Prefeeding at Output Prefeeds the media when it is fed out, such as during cutting, preventing the pulling of the media with undue force.
Priority for Cutting Settings Sets whether to prioritize the cutting settings of the machine or the software RIP.
Ink Circulation Interval*2 Sets the frequency of white ink circulation.
Notifications On/Off When Enable is selected, notifications are displayed at the appropriate times.
  • Ink Mixing Notification
  • Middle Pinch Roller Placement Notification
  • Media Clamp Placement Notification
Sleep Time Sets the time until sleep mode (the state in which the power-saving features operate) activates.
Reset to Factory Defaults Returns all settings other than Language and Units to their factory default values.
System Information Machine Information Displays the Model, Serial Number, Ink Type, Firmware Version, and MAC Address.
Network Sets the Obtain IP Address Automatically, IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway to connect the machine to a computer.
Units Sets the Length and Temperature.
Language Sets the language. The language can be set to Japanese, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish (Europe), Spanish (South America), or Portuguese (South America).
Date/Time Sets the current year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.
Screen Brightness Sets the brightness of the operation panel's screen.
Screen Operation Sound Turns the operation sound of the operation panel on/off.
License Displays the license information of the operation panel.
*1 This setting only appears when media is loaded.
*2 This menu item is only displayed on machines when the ink type includes white ink.