Step 4: Performing Spindle Run-in
Perform spindle run-in to apply grease to the sliding parts in the spindle, stabilizing its rotation.
Before performing spindle run-in, remove the workpiece, rotary axis correction jig, and ATC magazine correction jig if they are attached.
- Close the front cover if it is open.
- Show VPanel.
The Machine settings window is displayed.
On the Maintenance tab, click Spindle run-in.
When the window shown in the following figure appears, click OK.
When the window shown in the following figure appears, open the front cover.
- Spin the spindle around 10 times in either direction by hand.
Close the front cover.
Spindle run-in starts, and the machine status light will flash blue.
The remaining work time will be displayed on VPanel.
- When a message indicating that work is complete appears, click OK to finish the spindle run-in.