Managing the Nearest Color Finder Library
- Click .The Nearest Color Finder Library window opens with all results saved in the past displayed.
- Check the Nearest Color Finder Library.The following items are listed. Select a result to display items such as the Nick Name and Creation Date on the right, displaying the environment information when the result was saved in the library.
- Color Name
- Model Name
- Serial Number
- Ink Type
- Media Name
- Print Quality
- Resolution
- Mode
- Printer Profile
IMPORTANT If all the above nine items do not have the same values as the printer setting parameters, the corresponding library cannot be used. -
The filtering window appears. -
Select one of the following conditions for filtering.
- Color Name: Select from a list or search by inputting text.
- Model Name or Serial Number: Select from a list.
- Media Name: Select from a list or search by inputting text.
- Select an unnecessary result and click