Previewing Printing Data

In the job list, double-click a job to open the Job Settings window. A preview of the job is displayed in the layout area on the right side.

The following tools are displayed at the top of the layout area and can be used to change the preview display.

IconTool nameOperation
元に戻すツールアイコンUndo ToolReturns the operation to the previous state.
やり直しツールアイコンRedo ToolRedoes the undone operation.
選択ツールアイコンSelection ToolClick the preview image in the layout area to highlight the preview image of the selected job with a light blue border. Then, you can drag the selected preview image to a new location in order to set its printing position.
ハンドツールアイコンHand ToolDrag the mouse pointer to move within the window.
虫めがねツールプラスアイコンZoom ToolSpecify the area to enlarge by dragging the mouse pointer. You can also enlarge an area by clicking it in the layout area.
虫めがねツールマイナスアイコンZoom ToolAfter enlarging an area, click in the layout area to zoom out.
再配置アイコンRearrange TilesClick this tool after placing a job with the Selection Tool to place the job again with the Layout tab settings.
整列アイコンAlign TilesClick this tool after changing the placement of a job with the Selection Tool to align the jobs.
横方向フィットアイコンFit to WidthMatches the width of the media to the width of the layout area.
全方向フィットアイコンFit to PageChanges the width and length of the media so they can be displayed in the layout area. Roll media and vertically long jobs are matched to the width of the layout area.
ズームインアイコンZoom-InZooms in.
ズームアウトアイコンZoom-OutZooms out.