Searching for Jobs

You can list all the jobs and search for them in VersaWorks.

You can search for the names of variation jobs, nested jobs, grouped jobs, and composed jobs but not for the names of individual jobs.

  1. Click 虫メガネ to the right of the top-most job list.
    The Find Job window opens with all jobs displayed.
    MEMO To sort the jobs, click the target list title: Nick Name, Queue, Job Name, or Input Time.
  2. To search for a job, enter the text in the Find What field.
    To delete the entered search, click Clear.
  3. Click Search.
    The jobs appear. When you select a job, the job list printer and the corresponding job are also selected.
    MEMO To sort the search results, click the target list title: Nick Name, Queue, Job Name, or Input Time.