Perform Printing

  1. Open the printing data created in FlexiDESIGNER.
    Click File - Open... to open the saved printing data.
  2. Click BD-8_Flexi-Icon_SendtoDevice.
    The Send to Device dialog box opens.
  3. Check the following.
    • Device: BD-8
    • Number of prints: 1
    • Output: Page
  4. Click Print parameters.
  5. In the Quality tab, select the following.
    • Media Type: Rotary
    • Print Quality: Standard
    • Mode: CMYK (v)
    • Media Diameter: Diameter of object

      Enter the diameter of the object (media).

  6. Click OK.
    The Print Parameters window closes.
  7. Click Send.
    Printing starts.
  8. Once printing is complete, remove the object, and exit out of setup in Utility.