Cutting the Same Data Repetitively


Data received from the computer can be saved to the machine's memory, and that data can then be repeatedly used to cut (recut). To recut, use "REPLOT" in the display menu.

  • All the data received from the time the machine is put in the setup condition to the time the setup condition is canceled is saved.
  • The data is not cleared even when the setup condition is canceled.
  • If the setup condition is canceled and the machine is then put back in the setup condition again, any data that was saved is overwritten with the new data that is sent from the computer.
  • All data is cleared when the power is turned off.
  • If the data stored in the machine memory exceeds 2 MB, recutting cannot be performed until the data is cleared. If "REPLOT" is carried out under this condition, "DATA OVERFLOW" appears. If no data is stored in the machine's memory, "NO DATA" appears when "REPLOT" is selected from the menu.