
Click this button to open the "Show/Hide" menu, which you can use to switch the display of items such as fixtures, axes, and cylinder caps. Check the view while showing/hiding items in the work steps before calculation.
Switching the Fixture
You can use the following button to switch the display of the fixture/device.
Keyboard shortcut: [Ctrl] + [E]
For details on other shortcuts, see Mouse Operations and Keyboard Shortcuts.

Switching the Hole (Red Cap)
You can use the following button to switch the display of the red cap that covers the screw channel access hole.
Keyboard shortcut: [Ctrl] + [R]
For details on other shortcuts, see Mouse Operations and Keyboard Shortcuts.
For advanced users: This is a temporary layer used during cutting and milling.
Show the hole (red cap).

Switching the Inner Surface (Gray Cap)
You can use the following button to switch the display of the gray cavity cap that is automatically created on the basis of the prep line detected with the crown + bridge/hybrid abutment case.
Keyboard shortcut: [Ctrl] + [G]
For details on other shortcuts, see Mouse Operations and Keyboard Shortcuts.
For advanced users: This is a temporary layer used during cutting and milling.

Switching the Inner Surface (Fit Color)
You can use the following button to switch the color of the render generated by the cavity fit function.
Keyboard shortcut: [Ctrl] + [F]
For details on other shortcuts, see Mouse Operations and Keyboard Shortcuts.

Switching the Replaced Interface
Depending on the source CAD library, there may be minor differences when the interface is replaced.
Keyboard shortcut: [Ctrl] + [T]
For details on other shortcuts, see Mouse Operations and Keyboard Shortcuts.

Switching the Second Axis (For Finishing)
You can use the following button to control the display of the arrow for the sub axis for finishing. Use this axis to determine the cutting direction during specific finish milling. Also, the axis may vary depending on the type of dental prosthesis and the settings of the cutting strategy.
This axis may also indicate the diagram path of the top cap designed for an abutment. DGSHAPE CAM uses this information to track the insertion direction corresponding to the preprocessing side of the dental prosthesis, accurately maintaining this direction during milling with the milling machine. This makes it possible to accurately fit inlays, onlays, and veneers in preprocessed teeth.
Keyboard shortcut: [Ctrl] + [A]
For details on other shortcuts, see Mouse Operations and Keyboard Shortcuts.

Switching the Cavity Axis (Insertion Direction)
You can use the following button to switch the display of the insertion path direction arrow. This arrow indicates the insertion direction of the detected dental prosthesis, so this arrow is based on the margin/prep line of this prosthesis.
DGSHAPE CAM automatically identifies the insertion direction when a dental prosthesis is imported. CAM uses the specified margin/prep line of the dental prosthesis to judge this direction. If there is no margin/prep line data, CAM cannot predict the correct insertion direction, which may lead to areas not milled by the milling machine remaining in the prep section, possibly causing problems with the fit of the dental prosthesis.
Keyboard shortcut: [Ctrl] + [Q]
For details on other shortcuts, see Mouse Operations and Keyboard Shortcuts.