Multi-shade (Multi-layer) Materials

Multi-shade (Multi-layer) Display

To place dental protheses appropriately within the correct layer, it is very important to use the multi-shade (multi-layer) display in DGSHAPE CAM. By selecting a dental prosthesis and rotating the view, you can easily place this prosthesis within a multi-layer material and also accurately check the position of the prosthesis. To make it easy to check placements, layers are projected on the intersecting surfaces of the dental prosthesis.

Multi-shade Configuration

To access this menu, open the material menu ([ctrl] + [D]), select the Multi-shade checkbox, and then open a material.

Setting the Layer

Shade count

First, set the number of shades/layers to display in the material. The overall heights set on the Configuration page for the materials are listed here.

You cannot change the overall thickness at this point. To change it, close this menu, and then use the main Configuration window for the materials.

Layer Height

For each layer, you can set a height (in units of millimeters) representing the distance from the top to the bottom of the block material. Layers are displayed according to this menu, and a preview is displayed on the left side.


You can use this cell to set the shade/color that is displayed. Click it to open a different window in which you can set the color manually or with a specific color code.

It is important to consider how the standard background available in DGSHAPE CAM will (or will not) contrast with the background of the layer to set.



You can use this checkbox to switch the display of the gradation layer, allowing you to check the transitioning of the shading with a specific layer present or absent.

Depending on the requirements of the material, you can add transition layers and split transition layers into separate layers.

Saving the Password

After you finish setting the material, select whether to secure/lock this information with a password. This password is necessary when you display the multi-shade (multi-layer) settings window and when you edit the details in this window.

Store the password safely. It cannot be reset.
