Managing Jobs

For the current job information, the current job file name, specified machine (cutting bur package), material, and STL name information are listed on the upper-left corner.
The "DGSHAPE CAM for DWX-43W version information" window opens.
For details, see Support Information.
New Job

Select New Job to finish the current job and start a new one.
Opening a Job

You can view a past job with the Open Job function of DGSHAPE CAM.
Select this window to open a window with all the jobs that were milled in the past. The specified job is loaded into the preview display of DGSHAPE CAM.
Saving a Job

You can save the progress of the job currently open in DGSHAPE CAM.
Saving a Job with a Different Name

When you save a job, you can assign it a name or change its existing name. This is useful when creating copies with different names for testing and troubleshooting. If you have customized a job name, use Configuration to adjust the settings.
Latest Jobs
A list of the latest jobs milled by DGSHAPE CAM is displayed.
When you hover the mouse pointer over a job name under Recent Jobs, the preview of the job is displayed in the window, allowing you to easily check whether this is the desired job.