Adding Objects

This section introduces how to add objects such as images, text, and shapes to a file being edited.

  1. Click a button in the toolbar (library).

    The panel for the clicked button appears.

    Button Description
    bt_cutcontour Adds a cutting line.
    bt_templates Loads a template. Note that the file currently being edited will be discarded.
    bt_elements Adds an object (such as images, text, and shapes).

    Uploads photos and images to a server volume. Uploaded files will be displayed in the Images panel.

    bt_images Adds an image.
    bt_text Adds text.
    bt_shapes Adds a shape.
    bt_stickers Adds an illustration.
  2. Click the object to be added from the displayed panel.
    The object is added to the canvas (editing area) and displayed on the screen.