Performing Updates after Checking the Update Status

This section explains how to check the update status before starting VersaWorks and perform an update if necessary.
  1. Exit VersaWorks if it is running.
  2. Start the VersaWorks Online Update tool.
    • Windows 10: Click the Windows [Start] button, and then click VersaWorks - Online Update.
    • Windows 8.1, 7: Click the Windows [Start] button, and then click [All Programs] (or [Programs]) - VersaWorks - Online Update.
    The Manual Updater window appears.
  3. Click Check for updates.
    If no update is required, a message will be displayed, so click OK.
  4. Select the item to update in the displayed Select updates window.
  5. To update color profiles, click Details.
    The Select Media window appears.
  6. Select the Model, and then select the media that requires a profile from the media displayed for Media.
    If you select the Color Profiles check box without configuring the Details settings, all profiles that can be downloaded will be downloaded.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Update.
    The downloading of the update data starts.
  9. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update procedure.
    Once the update is complete, check that VersaWorks is the latest version.