Step 1: Print the Spot Color Chart

  1. Right-click a job in the job list, and then click Nearest Color Finder.
    The spot colors included in the job are displayed on the Start Nearest Color Finder window.
  2. Select the color to adjust, and then click Start.
    MEMO Click Change Print Quality to change the Quality item of the job.
    The Nearest Color Finder window appears.
  3. To use a measurement instrument to set the color to adjust, select the Match to Sample Color by Measurement check box.
    To make adjustments by printing the colors nearest to the selected spot color, leave this check box cleared and proceed to the next step.
    The Measure and Calibrate buttons as well as the Lab value input window appear. After entering the measured color or the Lab value, set the chart of the nearest colors in the next step.
  4. Set the chart.
    • Swatch Amount

      Many: 7 swatches × 7 swatches × 5 pages = 245 swatches, Standard: 5 swatches × 5 swatches × 5 pages = 125 swatches, Few: 3 swatches × 3 swatches × 3 pages = 27 swatches. Select one of these options.

    • Swatch Interval

      Select from Large, Standard, and Small.

  5. Click Print.
    The numbered nearest colors chart is printed. When printing is finished, a matching chart is displayed on the Nearest Color Finder window.