Reusing Job Printing Settings Files

The detailed settings of a given job (job A) can be used with a different job (job B) that already exists in the list. In this way, the output settings of the same job can be applied to different printing data.

Most settings can be used, but there are limitations on the following items.

Table 1. Settings that cannot be used
: Layout tabScalingW
Print QualityPage Rangefrom
Printing settingsDirection*1
: Clip and Tile tabAll items
Step & RepeatAll items
*1 4_1_rayout_direction_tab_u_c is set regardless of the job A and job B settings.
Table 2. Items that retain the setting values of job B
: File Format tabEPSMargin
Spot Color Settings list
Special Color Settings list
: Variable Data tabAll items
Table 3. Items that take on the setting values of the leading page of job A
: Layout tabScalingScale

Using Job Printing Settings with Other Jobs

  1. From the job list, select the job (job A) whose output settings will be copied.
  2. Perform one of the following operations to copy the job setting values.
    • Right-click the selected job, and then click Copy/Paste Setting Value - Copy.
    • Click Job - Copy/Paste Setting Value - Copy.
  3. From the job list, select the job (job B) in which to paste the setting values.
  4. Perform one of the following operations to paste the job setting values.
    • Right-click the selected job, and then click Copy/Paste Setting Value - Paste.
    • Click Job - Copy/Paste Setting Value - Paste.
    The job B settings are updated with the details of job A.

Saving the Printing Settings of the Job

  1. From the job list, select the job that has been configured with the printing settings to save.
  2. Right-click the selected job, and then click Save as Printing Settings File.
    The Save Printing Settings File screen appears.
  3. Enter the desired name in File Name.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Follow the procedure below to check the saved file.
    1. Click for the queue folder.

      The Queue Properties screen appears.
    2. Click .
      The Select Printing Settings File screen appears.
    3. Check the saved file.

Loading Files to Use Printing Settings with Other Jobs

  1. From the job list, select the job to use.
  2. Right-click the selected job, and then click Apply Printing Settings File.
    The Select Printing Settings File screen appears.
  3. From the list of printing settings files, click the printing settings file that you want to load.
    The information of the printing settings file is displayed on the right side of the screen.
  4. Click OK.