Compare Color Adjustment

  1. Right-click a job, and then click Generate Variation Job.
  2. Select Compare Color Adjustment, and then click Next.
  3. Select one of the following options, and then click Next.
    • Print Variation with Various Colors
    • Print Variation with Specific Color Densities
  4. Perform the following actions depending on the selection.
    • When Print Variation with Various Colors is selected: Specify the Adjustment Level (+1 to +5), and then select the color to emphasize (such as magenta, red, and orange).
    • When Print Variation with Specific Color Densities is selected: Specify the Adjustment Color (such as magenta, red, and orange), and then select the emphasis level (+1 to +5).
    The selected color and emphasis level are listed in the Variation Job field.
    • You can select and delete variation jobs as well as drag them into different orders in the Variation Job field.
    • A. and B. next to the colors in the Variation Job field are displayed as variation A and variation B in the job list.
  5. Click OK.
    A variation job with the selected adjustment color is generated in the job list.