Drying the Trailing Edge of the Printing Area on the Dryer

To dry the ink thoroughly, configure the settings so that the media is fed until the trailing edge of the printed area is put on the dryer after the printing is finished.
  1. Load the media.
  2. Tap AP-640_Panel_Icon_MENU.
  3. Tap Media Settings - Heater Settings - Dry After Printing.
  4. Tap AP-640_Panel_Icon_Toggle_ON to turn it on.
    Drying Feed (Printing Only)This setting applies to output data designed only for printing. This setting is ignored for output data designed for printing and cutting.
    Drying Feed (Printing & Cutting) This setting applies to output data designed for printing and cutting. This setting is ignored for output data designed only for printing.
    AP-640_Panel_Icon_Toggle_ON (On) Media feed is performed until the trailing edge of the printing area is positioned on the dryer.
    VG3_Panel_Icon_Toggle_OFF (Off)Media feed stops when printing ends. This means that the trailing edge of the printing area is not fed to the dryer unless you continue with a subsequent printing operation.
  5. Tap AP-640_Panel_Icon_MINUS or AP-640_Panel_Icon_PLUS to set the drying time for Drying Time (Printing Only) or Drying Time (Printing & Cutting).
    Drying Time
    • The next operation is not started until the set time elapses.
    • Tap Skip during drying to finish the drying time and start the next operation.
    • When the drying time has been set in the software RIP, priority is given to the software RIP's setting.
    • If Drying Time is set to a value other than 0 min and Drying Feed is off, the machine waits for the set time at the print-end position before starting the next operation.
  6. Tap Save to confirm your entry.
  7. Tap AP-640_Panel_Icon_HOME to go back to the original screen.
    Default setting:
    • Drying Feed (Printing Only): Off
    • Drying Feed (Printing & Cutting): Off
    • Drying Time (Printing Only): 0 min.
    • Drying Time (Printing & Cutting): 0 min.