Replacing the Blade

If the blade becomes dull, if the edge of the blade is chipped, or if the cutting quality is lowered, replace the blade with a new blade.


Be sure to perform operations as specified by the instructions, and never touch any area not specified in the instructions.

Otherwise sudden movement of the machine may cause injury.


Never touch the tip of the blade.

Doing so may result in injury.

Required item

Replacement blade

1. Replace the blade.

  1. Remove any media.
  2. Press [MENU].
  3. Press [▼] several times to display the screen shown below.

  4. Press [▶] once, and then press [▼] several times to display the screen shown below.

  5. Press [▶] once, and then press [▼] several times to display the screen shown below.

  6. Press [ENTER].
    The cutting carriage moves to a position where replacement is possible.
  7. When the following screen is displayed, open the front cover.

    Preparation is complete once the following screen is displayed.

  8. Detach the blade holder.

  9. Replace the blade.
    1. Press the pin (A) to push out the old blade (B).
    2. Insert a new blade (C).
      Orient the tip of the blade (D) correctly.

  10. Install the cutting tool in the cutting carriage.

  11. Tighten the screw.
    Tug the blade holder upward to make sure it does not come loose.

  12. Close the front cover.
  13. Press [ENTER].
    When the following screen is displayed again, the blade replacement is finished.

  14. Press [MENU] to go back to the original screen.

2. Make adjustments according to the new blade.

  1. Close the front cover.
  2. Press [◀], [▶], [▲], or [▼] to move the cutting carriage to the location where you want to carry out the cutting test.
    You can freely set the location for the cutting test.
  3. Press [FUNCTION].
  4. Press [▼] several times to display the screen shown below.

  5. Press [▶] to display the screen shown below.

  6. Press [ENTER].
    The test pattern is cut.
  7. When the cutting of the test pattern is finished, press [▼].
  8. Check the results of the cutting test.

    Check item Result Setting item Adjustment
    Check the shape. The cut shape is distorted. "SPEED" Reduce
    Peel off the circle. The square also peels off. "FORCE" Increase
    Some uncut areas remain. "SPEED" Reduce
    Peel off the square. The blade leaves faint traces on the backing paper. "FORCE" No change
    The blade trace is indistinct. Increase
    The blade trace is too deep and cuts into the backing paper. Reduce
    Check the shape of the square you have peeled off.

    The corners are not rounded and do not have "horns." "OFFSET" No change

    The corners are rounded. Increase

    The corners have "horns." Reduce
  9. Press [▲] or [▼] to select the cutting condition you want to set.
    Display screen (cutting conditions) Setting details Default settings

    Set the force (pressure) of the blade. 50 gf

    Set the speed of cutting. 30 cm/s

    Set the blade offset. Enter the listed offset value for the blade.

    The offset value for the included blade is 0.250 mm (9.8 mil).

    0.250 mm

    Set the blade's up speed during cutting (the speed at which the blade travels when it moves to the next cutting line after cutting one cutting line). If the media comes loose during no-load feed and the blade damages the surface of the media, reduce the speed. 30 cm/s
  10. Press [▶] to display the screen shown below.

  11. Press [▲] or [▼] to select a value.
  12. Press [ENTER] to confirm your entry.
  13. Press [◀] to go back to step 9.
    Repeat steps 9 and 10 to adjust the cutting conditions.
  14. Press [FUNCTION] to go back to the original screen.

3. Accurately adjust the cutting-in amount.

Note that making the amount of blade extension too small may cause the tip of the blade holder cap to touch, and may soil and damage the printed surface. It is important to be especially careful about this when you are using media that has poor ink-adhesion properties.
The amount of blade extension () is 0 mm at minimum () and 2.5 mm (98.4 mil) at maximum ().

  • Rough Estimate for the Amount of Blade Extension (When Creating a Sticker)

    Set the amount of blade extension () to an amount that is the sum of the thickness of the material portion () and half () the thickness of the backing paper ().

  • Rough Estimate for the Amount of Blade Extension (When Cutting Perforated Lines)

    Set the amount of blade extension () so that when the blade pierces the media (), the blade tip extends slightly.

    For information about the output settings for cutting perforated lines, refer to the documentation for VersaWorks.


Pushing the blade out too far will damage the blade and blade protector and hasten their deterioration, so exercise caution.