When Manual Cleaning Is Necessary

The print heads are important components that discharge ink. They require periodic and appropriate maintenance. It is important to perform manual cleaning with the appropriate timing.

After daily operations are finished

Be sure to perform manual cleaning after daily operations are finished.

When symptoms that cannot be improved with powerful cleaning occur

When any of the symptoms given below occur and powerful cleaning is not effective, perform manual cleaning.

Dot drop-out/Dot displacementInk dripsDragging dirt

Dust or other foreign matter adheres to the print heads and impedes correct ink discharge.Ink accumulates on dirty areas around the print heads and drips onto the object to be printed on.Dirt accumulates on the area around the print heads and touches the object to be printed on.
  • Wiper replacement may also be effective in improving these symptoms.

  • The print heads are components that wear out. Periodic replacement is required, with the frequency of replacement depending on use.