Starting/Exiting Utility

Opening the Utility Window

Click icon_BN-20A_Tasktray (the Utility icon) in the notification area. (Or, right-click the icon_BN-20A_Tasktray icon, and then click View/Hide.)

The Utility window is displayed.

MEMO Utility is resident software.

Utility is "resident software" that is always running. To hide the window, click icon_BN-20A_TasktrayCancel in the upper-right corner of the window or click Close; Utility will not terminate.


If icon_BN-20A_Tasktray is not displayed in the notification area, start Utility from the Windows Start menu.

Starting from the Windows [Start] Menu

Windows 11

From the Start menu, click All apps - BN-20 Utility for Windows - BN-20 Utility for Windows.

Windows 10

From the Start menu, click BN-20 Utility for Windows - BN-20 Utility for Windows.

Exiting Utility

Right-click icon_BN-20A_Tasktray (the Utility icon) in the notification area, and then click End. This exits the utility.
