Minimizing Print-head Carriage Movement

This shortens printing time by narrowing the print-head carriage movement to the width of the print data. This feature is effective when the print area or print data has a small width.

Because the default setting is Output Data Width, there is no effect if this setting is not changed.

  1. Set up the object.
  2. On the Utility home screen, click BN2_Utility_Icon_MENU.
  3. Click the List of Media Settings - Printing Movement Range pull-down menu.
  4. Select Output Data Width.
    The following three settings are available for Printing Movement Range. This setting affects printing time and print quality, and should be set as appropriate for the situation.
    Settings Features
    Output Data Width

    Matches the range of print-head carriage movement to the printing data. Movement is limited to the minimum amount necessary, and this can be expected to yield the fastest printing. When this feature is used, the time needed for the ink to harden is not constant, and an uneven color may result.

    Media Width Matches the print-head carriage movement range to the set printing area.
    Full Width The print-head carriage moves from one end of the machine to the other. This setting makes the speed of print-head carriage movement constant at all times and produces the most stable printing results.
  5. Click Apply to confirm your entry.
  6. Click Close to return to the original screen.
    • Default setting: Output Data Width