Ink Adhesion Is Poor

Did you use a primer?

Ink adhesion may be improved by using a primer. After creating print data in FlexiDESIGNER, select "with primer" in Print parameters.

Is the print surface soiled?

Ink adhesion will be poor if the print surface is dirty. After loading the object, degrease the print surface using anhydrous ethanol or isopropyl alcohol.

Are the irradiation surfaces of the UV-LED device dirty?

If the irradiation surfaces are soiled with ink mist or other contaminants, UV illumination may be reduced, resulting in poor ink adhesion. Perform Cleaning the UV-LED devices.

Is the ambient temperature too low?

Low ambient temperatures in and around the machine, such as low room temperatures or where directly exposed to air-conditioner breezes, may cause poor ink adhesion. During printing, the ambient temperature should be set to 20 to 32°C (68 to 89.6°F; 22°C [71.6°F] or higher is recommended).