3. JOB

Displays the data being milled, the milling data in standby, and the milling progress with the color of the text.

* The following image is an example. The notations and layout will vary depending on the model used.


: Data whose milling is finished
The job name is displayed in gray.
: Data being milled
A blue icon is displayed next to the job name.
: Data in milling standby
The job name is displayed in black.

Right-click the job displayed under JOB to display the Cancel menu.


Click Cancel to perform the following operations according to the job status.

Jobs waiting to be milled Removes the job from the job list.
Jobs with milling in progress

Cancel can only be clicked for paused jobs.

Ends the current job and begins milling for the next job.
Jobs for which an error has occurred

Ends the current job and begins milling for the next job after the error has been cleared.

Note, however, that Cancel cannot be clicked for jobs with a fatal error.